Council is responsible for setting the Budget and Policy Framework. The Budget and Policy Framework sets out the Council’s key policies and agreed budget for each year. All decisions must be taken in accordance with these agreed documents. Only Council can change the Budget and Policy Framework. Council also sets the Council’s budget each year.
Council also appoints a number of committees to deal with regulatory and non- executive functions such as Planning and Licensing. See details of the Council’s Committees in Part 2).
Meetings of the Council and other decision-making bodies are open to the public, except where personal or confidential matters are being discussed (see Access to Information Procedure Rules in Part 3).
The Council has adopted an executive form of governance. This means that the Council appoints a Leader of the Council. The Leader then appoints a minimum of 2 and no more than 9 other Councillors
who, together with the Leader, form the Cabinet and are responsible for certain decisions such as policy matters (including recommending the Budget and Policy Framework to Council), housing, education, highways and transport, social care, land and property and economic regeneration.
Councillors that are not part of the Cabinet are largely responsible for the scrutiny of cabinet/ executive decisions and for making the types of decisions which are not permitted to be made by the Cabinet and may sit on the Council’s Committees.
Support officer: Jon Huck.