Agenda item


To receive any questions or representations which have been received from members of the public and to receive any petitions.


(note any member of the public who wishes to ask a question or make representations or present a petition at the meeting should apply to do so no later than two working days before the day of the meeting.  Information on how to apply can be obtained from the person named on the front of the agenda).


Councillor Webster a member of South Lakeland District Council addressed the Cabinet in relation to Agenda Item 8 Draft Revenue Budget 2023/24 and Medium Term Financial Plan (2023-2028) and the Draft Capital Programme (2023-2028).  He asked a question why Ulverston Leisure Centre phases two and three had been removed from the Capital Programme when the project had been in development for over five years and two costings had been produced by South Lakeland District Council (SLDC) for all three stages.


The Chair thanked Councillor Webster for his contribution and requested Councillor Jarvis, Cabinet Member for Finance to respond.


Councillor Jarvis commented that there was a significant misunderstanding regarding the status of the Ulverston Leisure Centre Project. The Council had been rigorous in applying the Constitution.  The Constitution stated that that “the Chief Officer shall ensure that for each capital scheme an option appraisal is completed outlining the business case and giving a full appraisal of the capital and revenue implications including those related to the whole life cost where available”. Approval of the capital programme gives authority for Officers to proceed with a project and should be not be done if the specification was unclear or the business case was not approved.  Phase 1 was in the Capital Programme.


He referred to the SLDC Cabinet report dated 9 February 2022 where it stated “that Cabinet approves that further project developments take place on phases 2 and 3 for the purpose of providing detailed proposals for consideration by the new Westmorland and Furness Council with regard to future implementation”.  The report went on to say that phases 2 and 3 required more significant project development work to achieve a similar degree of confidence on costs and how it would be met.  That would also be dependent on extension to the Leisure contract.  It was recommended that SLDC’s Cabinet approved further development work and that Cabinet would not be in a position to agree to implement phases 2 and 3.”  SLDC had not approved the business case and Westmorland and Furness Council had not considered those parts of the project as they do not yet meet the criteria to be included in the Capital Programme.


He reassured the meeting that the project was important and had been included in a list of key capital projects that were expected to come to Council for approval.


Councillor Irving a member of South Lakeland District Council and Westmorland and Furness Council addressed the Cabinet in relation to Agenda Item 8 Draft Revenue Budget 2023/24 and Medium Term Financial Plan (2023-2028) and the Draft Capital Programme (2023-2028). 


She asked the Cabinet to ensure that Phases 2 and 3 remain on the Westmorland and Furness Capital Programme for this financial year and further make every effort to expedite this entire leisure centre project without delay.


The Chair thanked Councillor Irving for her contribution and requested Councillor Jarvis, Cabinet Member for Finance to respond.


Councillor Jarvis referred to his previous answer and under the constitution he believed that the phases 2 and 3 could not be included within the Capital Programme.