Meeting documents

CuCC County Council Local Committee for South Lakeland
Wednesday, 6th July, 2022 10.00 am

Venue: County Offices, Kendal

Contact: Nicola Harrison  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Mr B Berry, Mr M Brereton, Mr J Brook, Mrs B Gray, Mr P McSweeney, Mrs S Sanderson and Mrs J Willis.


Public Participation

There were no questions, petitions or statements at the time of despatch of Agenda


Mr Clive Davidson attended to present a petition undertaken by his wife, Sylvia Davidson.


Petition – To improve pedestrian safety when using footpaths on Park Road, Milnthorpe (B5282) which at this time is far from safe due to increased size of vehicle traffic and inappropriate speeds on a narrow, built up road, with extremely narrow pavements. Signatories are concerned residents and users of the road and urge Council leaders and Highways Department to consider traffic calming solutions on this road.


Mr Davidson explained where the route was and what the main issues were. He made the following points before handing over the petition to the Chair:


·         There were a lot of residents and children at risk

·         There were a lot of HGVs with 18 wheels using the road which was narrow

·         The pavements were so narrow that it was difficult to use a pushchair on them

·         The pavements were in poor condition which had trip and fall hazards

·         People were frequently knocked by wing mirrors on large vehicles

·         Members were urged to support traffic measures on the road. These wouldn’t cause delays to traffic as there were currently traffic lights in the area which weren’t holding up traffic

·         The road needed better pavements for the safety of residents and children as there weren’t any on Park Road which were safe

·         200 people had signed the petition


The Chair read out the following response:


Thank you for presenting the petition regarding pedestrian safety when using pavements on Park Road, Milnthorpe. Members have a high regard for road safety and take concerns raised seriously.  Officers will begin to look into the road safety concerns you have raised.


The matter regarding vehicle speeds will be raised at the Casualty Reduction and Safer Highways (CRASH) meeting held with Cumbria Constabulary and partner agencies. To fully assess vehicle speeds officers will arrange for traffic data to be collected along Park Road.  Once traffic data has been collected and collision records considered, it will be referred back to CRASH for discussion with Cumbria Constabulary.


After such time as it has been fully discussed at CRASH a report will be prepared for consideration of appropriate next steps at the Highways and Transportation Working Group.


Mr Davidson was thanked for the comprehensive evidence presented to the Committee


A member highlighted that the road had always been narrow and it would be difficult to resolve as there was housing along both sides of the road.


Another member reported that the CRASH Group would meet the week after the Local Committee meeting and asked officers to put the matter on the Agenda.


Exclusion of Press and Public

To consider whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during consideration of any items on the agenda.


RESOLVED that, the press and public not be excluded from the meeting for any item of business


Disclosures of Interest

Members are invited to disclose any disclosable pecuniary interest they have in any item on the agenda which comprises


1          Details of any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain.


2          Details of any payment or provision of any other financial benefit (other than from the authority) made or provided within the relevant period in respect of any expenses incurred by you in carrying out duties as a member, or towards your election expenses.  (This includes any payment or financial benefit from a trade union within the meaning of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992.


3          Details of any contract which is made between you (or a body in which you have a beneficial interest) and the authority


(a)       Under which goods or services are to be provided or works are to be           executed; and


            (b)       Which has not been fully discharged.


4          Details of any beneficial interest in land which is within the area of the authority. 


5          Details of any licence (alone or jointly with others) to occupy land in the area of the authority for a month or longer. 


6          Details of any tenancy where (to your knowledge)


            (a)       The landlord is the authority; and


            (b)       The tenant is a body in which you have a beneficial                                                   interest.


7          Details of any beneficial interest in securities of a body where


(a)       That body (to your knowledge) has a place of business or land in the         area of the authority; and



(b)       Either –


(i)      The total nominal value of the securities exceeds £25,000 or one       hundredth of the total issued share capital of that body; or


(ii)     If that share capital of that body is of more than one class, the total nominal value of the shares of any one class in which the relevant person has a beneficial interest exceeds one hundredth of the total issued share capital of that class.

In addition, you must also disclose other non-pecuniary interests set out in the Code of Conduct where these have not already been registered.




A "disclosable pecuniary interest" is an interest of a councillor or their partner (which means spouse or civil partner, a person with whom they are living as husband or wife, or a person with whom they are living as if they are civil partners).


There were no disclosures of interest made at the meeting


Minutes pdf icon PDF 230 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meetings of the Local Committee held on 12 May 2022 and 10 June 2022

Additional documents:


Dr Jarvis to be included in the apologies for the 10 June 2022 meeting.


RESOLVED that,     subject to the correction above, the minutes of the meetings held on 12 May and 10 June 2022 be confirmed as circulated




[Electoral Divisions: All South Lakeland]


To consider a report by the Executive Director – Corporate, Customer and Community Services


This report provides information and offers recommendations to the Local Committee for approval from meetings of the Strategic Planning Working Group and the Children and Young Peoples Working Group. It also updates the Local Committee on previously agreed activity supported with the latest financial statement.


A report was considered from the Assistant Director - Customer and Community Services regarding Area Planning in South Lakeland. The report provided service information and offered recommendations to South Lakeland Local Committee for approval from the meetings of the following working groups; Strategic Planning Working Group held on 8 June 2022 and the Children and Young People’s Working Group held on 13 June 2022. The report also provided Local Committee with an update on activity against agreed priorities and provided an overview of the current budget position.

The Area Manager presented the report. She drew members’ attention to the Environment Fund schemes and explained the Red, Amber, Green (RAG) rating which ranked the anticipated delivery of the schemes in this financial year. She gave an update on the decision to reallocate £85,000 for the creation of a footpath at Levens.

Members were informed about the Roxy Collective and its achievement in securing funding to purchase the freehold for the Roxy building in Ulverston. They were applying to the Government’s Community Ownership Fund and were asking for the Local Committee’s support for the project. This fitted in with the aims of the Borderlands work.  The group would also be submitting expressions of interest to the Borderlands Plan and the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Members were informed about the County Council’s £2M fund to support communities through the cost of living crisis. There was a particular emphasis on the Community Fund delegated to the Local Committee to support residents with access to affordable food and general support. How the funding would be apportioned was explained. A member workshop would be held to identify how the funding would be allocated to those in need.

A member urged the Roxy Collective to approach the Committee for additional support if required. He welcomed the RAG rating  for the Environment Fund/Contain Outbreak Fund (COMF) and suggested that funding be focussed only on the schemes which were deliverable in this financial year.

A member asked that Cumbria Wildlife Trust be invited to talk to members about its proposal to the Environment Fund for the creation of wildlife corridors and wild flower planting.

The Local Member for Ulverston thanked officers for the footpath improvement work undertaken at Ulverston using COMF money. He urged officers to continue to work with the District Council to identify where funding would be best spent.

The SLDC member highlighted his concerns about 31 March 2023 being perceived as an end date when work would cease as this was not in the interest of residents. He advised that principles needed to be identified to ascertain what work should carry on into the new Westmorland and Furness authority. He would raise this with officers in the new authority.

The Chair and Area Manager agreed that it would become clearer as it moved closer to Vesting Day on 1 April what work would carry on past that date. The Chair wanted the Local Committee to have a legacy of completed schemes and as  ...  view the full minutes text for item 27.


Highways and Transportation Working Group pdf icon PDF 196 KB

[Electoral Divisions: All South Lakeland]


To consider a report by the Executive Director – Economy and Infrastructure


This report presents the minutes of the meeting of the Highways and Transportation Working Group held on 10 June 2022 and brings forward recommendations for consideration by the Local Committee.


Appendix 2 to the Flood Development Report is to follow.

Additional documents:


A report was considered from the Executive Director – Economy and Infrastructure regarding the Highways and Transportation Working Group meeting held on 10 June 2022. The report provided the notes and included recommendations for consideration by the Local Committee.

The Vice Chair of the Highways and Transportation Working Group presented the report and moved the recommendations as set out in the report.

The Local Area Network Manager South Lakeland provided detail on the business conducted at the meeting, commenting on the presentation from the Bridges and Structures Manager which had been well received.

The Vice Chair of the Highways and Transportation Working Group commented on the lengthy process of repairing bridges. The Local Area Network Manager South Lakeland detailed the constraints when making repairs and the work that had to be undertaken which impacted on the time it took to make repairs to bridges and structures.

A number of members received an update from the Local Area Network Manager South Lakeland regarding bridges damaged in their divisions. The Chair asked that the Working Group be regularly updated on the repairs to bridges and structures. Members raised that communities were cut off when bridges were damaged and that adjoining Electoral Division members should be informed when repairs to bridges were to be undertaken. A member asked that Westmorland and Furness members also be advised of any large development schemes.

The Chair of the Working Group suggested that its name be changed to ‘Highways and Infrastructure Working Group’ should the Westmorland and Furness authority decide to retain it.

A request was made for more detailed information on flooding at Lion Cottage, Grasmere. The Local Area Network Manager South Lakeland undertook to raise this with the respective officer.

A member asked that all drains and sewerage works be brought back under local authority control.

The Chair presented the recommendations to the Local Committee. These were agreed by assent of the Committee.


1             Local Committee notes the Minutes of the Working Group meeting of 10 June 2022 which are attached as Appendix 1 to the report

2             Local Committee notes the details provided in Appendices 1, 2 and 3 of the Working Group report from the Executive Director – Economy and Infrastructure (attached as Appendix 2 of the report) which gave a Flood and Development Management Update and the Local Committee notes that there are no additional comments in the Appendices to bring to the attention of Local Members. Any significant comments, changes and/or amendments will be highlighted in subsequent and future reports to the Highway and Transportation Working Group.


Divisional Highway Priority Works 2022/2023 pdf icon PDF 203 KB

[Electoral Divisions: All South Lakeland]


To consider a report by the Executive Director – Corporate, Customer and Community Services


This report provides an update to Members on the Divisional Priority Works schemes to be funded via the devolved 2022/2023 highway capital budget for South Lakeland. 

Additional documents:


A report was considered from the Executive Director – Economy and Infrastructure regarding Divisional Highway Priority Works 2022/2023. The report provided an update to Members on the Divisional Priority Works schemes to be funded via the devolved 2022/2023 highway capital budget for South Lakeland.  An allocation of £108,000 for Divisional Highway Priority Works 2022/2023 was agreed by members at the South Lakeland Local Committee meeting on the 25th of November 2021. This equates to £6,000 per division.  The report also considered the backlog of schemes still to be delivered from previous financial years and made a recommendation regarding the funding allocation in order to deliver the deliverable schemes in the 2022/2023 financial year.

The Traffic Management Team Leader - South Lakeland presented the report. She guided members through the budget, explained the RAG rating that had been employed to prioritise schemes which would be delivered in the current financial year and members were given an update on a number of schemes. This information would be published and circulated to members after the meeting.

Members congratulated the Traffic Management Team Leader - South Lakeland on the work she had undertaken on this matter. The Traffic Management Team Leader - South Lakeland advised on the shortfall in the funding allocated to renewal of school flashing light units. Divisional allocations money would be used to renew school flashing lights as part of the budget and to provide deliverable schemes achievable this year.

Discussion ensued on the importance of safe routes to school in terms of encouraging children to walk and cycle to school and to also help reduce the environmental impacts caused by using vehicles to take children to and from school. The Chair thought that the provision of school flashing lights would increase the safety for children walking and cycling to school. The Area Manager advised that she was currently reviewing the budget position and referred to the underspend in the School Crossing Patrol budget which could be used for other Local Committee schemes.

A member asked whether the Westmorland and Furness authority should review the budget allocation to members of £6,000 for highways works. Mr Thornton advised that this was a matter for the Westmorland and Furness authority to determine.

The Chair of the Highways and Transportation Working Group talked about how the highways budget was calculated in the 1980s and its lasting impact on the Highway Service.

The Chair presented the recommendations to the Local Committee. These were agreed by assent of the Committee.


1          Local Committee approves Divisional Highway Priorities Works Programme 2022/2023 as set out in Appendix 1 of the report. 


2          Local Committee agrees to vire £196,500 from the brought forward 2021/22 capital programme slippage into the Members Highway Priority Works budget allocation bringing the total budget allocation to £304,500, as agreed by Full Council on 23rd June 2022.



Safer Schools -School Street Initiative Experimental Traffic Regulation Order 2021 pdf icon PDF 204 KB

[Electoral Divisions: Ulverston East]


To consider a report by the Executive Director – Economy and Infrastructure


This reportpresents the feedback including comments and objections to the Experimental Traffic Regulation Order for the School Street Initiative at Sir John Barrow School, Argle Street, Ulverston.

Additional documents:


A report was considered from the Executive Director – Economy and Infrastructure regarding the School Streets Initiative - Sir John Barrow School Experimental Traffic Regulation Order. The report presented the feedback including comments and objections to the Experimental Traffic Regulation Order for the School Street Initiative at Sir John Barrow School, Argyle Street, Ulverston.


The Traffic Management Team Leader - South Lakeland presented the report. Members were guided through the background to the Traffic Regulation Order.


The Chair queried the powers of PCSOs in preventing drivers keeping their cars running whilst stationary.


A short discussion took place on whether the successful scheme could be rolled out to other schools in South Lakeland with a member suggesting schools in his division which could benefit. The Traffic Management Manager explained that the funding used to support the scheme had been Central Government funding which had been related to the COVID pandemic. Any similar schemes would have to be funded by the new Westmorland and Furness authority. Many members expressed their support for the scheme and its possible future roll out to other schools.


The Local Member for Ulverston considered the scheme to be a blueprint for future schemes in the county and it was a success story that should not be lost. He gave his thanks to the officers involved in the scheme.


Discussion turned to parents parking on pavements and the impact of idling vehicles near schools as parents waited for children. Mr Thornton stated that the Westmorland and Furness authority would commit to safe routes to school and welcomed the successful scheme in Ulverston.


The Traffic Management Manager was asked if SUSTRANS was aware of the success of the scheme.  She explained that the scheme had not been agreed by all Local Committees where there had been similar experimental orders at schools but this could happen at a later date.


A couple of members noted that this type of scheme would unlikely be successful at rural schools as there were different pavement and road configurations. The Chair advised that this type of scheme should be encouraged where it was suitable.


A member of the Committee who was also a School Crossing Patrol person reported on his experiences of poor parking and driving whilst he was working at his local school.


The Chair presented the recommendations to the Local Committee. These were agreed by assent of the Committee.

RESOLVED that, Local Committee,  having taken into consideration the matters contained in Section 122(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 which are more specifically referred to at paragraph 7.2 of the Report, and having also taken into account the representations which were received during the 6 month statutory objection/consultation period, agree that  The County of Cumbria (Sir John Barrow School, Argyle Street, Ulverston) (Pedestrian and Cycle Zone) Experimental Order 2021 be made permanent,  without amendment.


Community Development and Public Health Activity - Update pdf icon PDF 680 KB

[Electoral Divisions: All South Lakeland]


To consider a report by the Executive Director - Corporate, Customer and Community Services


This report details the Public Health Activity undertaken by the South Lakeland Area Support Team and Locality Public Health Manager


A report was considered from the Assistant Director - Customer and Community Services regarding a Community Development and Public Health Activity update. The report drew attention to key Community Development and Public Health Activity undertaken by the South Lakeland Area Support Team and the Locality Public Health Manager.   

The Public Health Locality Manager presented the report. He talked about the major issues in county which may have a negative impact on the health and wellbeing of residents of South Lakeland. This included the increase in prices of domestic energy (including heating oil and solid fuel), increases in the cost of motor fuel, food, housing and that real pay growth was falling at its fastest rate for over two decades. Members were informed in detail how these factors were impacting upon people and how much more money they needed to find each month to pay for rising costs for essential goods and services. The proposal of the Team was to monitor the situation and source any funding which could be used to help people with the cost of living.

Members commented on the issues associated with the increases in the cost of living.

One member talked about the need for a new deal for social housing as the stock of this type of housing was poorly insulated so fuel costs would be high in order to heat them. If there was investment, costs would be lower. The Public Health Locality Manager undertook to find data which related to this matter.

Another member highlighted the high cost of heating oil. He considered that it could be an option for a group of residents to buy it in bulk and share it with neighbours which would be cheaper than buying it in small quantities which was more expensive, as some were currently doing.

It was reported that some Councils were giving out slow cookers which was an efficient method of cooking family meals.

Discussion ensued on some people’s lack of capital to purchase efficient and effective white goods which meant that there were higher running costs for appliances.

Another member expressed his concern for older people who were just above the benefit threshold and their ability to pay for heating. The Public Health Locality Manager reported on the grants and government support available for older people. He explained that the Public Health Team was working with SLDC and the third sector adding that support to older people could be part of this work.

A member suggested that the most important thing that the Local Committee could do would be to disseminate information and highlighted that South Lakeland Housing Association could address the installation of solar panels on social housing. He acknowledged that support for arts and sports would need to be addressed as people would focus spending their money on essential goods and services.

A short discussion took place on residents who were ‘house rich, cash poor’. A member urged that work on the cost of living crisis and excess winter deaths be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 31.


Partner Organisations


Outside Bodies

To receive feedback from members on the outside bodies that they serve, and from the Local Member Champions.


There were no reports made to this meeting on Outside Bodies however, Mr Cook reported that he had not received any information nor attended any meetings relating to the Kendal BID


Children's Champion

Update by the Children’s Champion.


Mrs Evans presented her report as the Committee’s Children’s Champion.


Mrs Evans had met with some Foster Carers who currently received their support in Carlisle. Following Local Government Review and the provision of services moving over to Westmorland and Furness Council, Foster Carers had raised their concerns and asked for information on where they would receive their support from 1 April 2023 onwards.


Mrs Evans was delighted to report the launch of the new ‘Our Promise’ which had been researched and updated by Children Looked After. This was the promise made by Corporate Parents to Children Looked After in terms of their care, education and support. She congratulated the young people who had worked hard in developing it. It was hoped that the 2 new local authorities in Cumbria would receive ‘Our Promise’.


The Chair thanked Mrs Evans for her dedication and work as the Local Committee’s Children’s Champion.


Date of Next meeting

The next meeting will be held on 30 September 2022 at 10.00am at County Offices, Kendal.


The next meeting of the Local Committee would be held on 30 September 2022 at 10.00am