Meeting documents

CuCC County Council Local Committee for Allerdale
Friday, 1st July, 2022 10.00 am

Contact: Daniel Hamilton  Email:

No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies were received from Lord Liddle, Mr T Lywood, Mrs C Tibble and Mr A Kennon.



Members are invited to disclose any disclosable pecuniary interest they have in any item on the agenda which comprises:-


1          Details of any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation carried on for       profit or gain.


2          Details of any payment or provision of any other financial benefit (other than from the authority) made or provided within the relevant period in respect of any expenses incurred by you in carrying out duties as a member, or towards your election expenses.  (This includes any payment or financial benefit from a trade union within the meaning of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992.


3          Details of any contract which is made between you (or a body in which you have a beneficial interest) and the authority


(a)       Under which goods or services are to be provided or works are to be executed; and


            (b)       Which has not been fully discharged.


4          Details of any beneficial interest in land which is within the area of the authority. 


5          Details of any licence (alone or jointly with others) to occupy land in the area of the authority for a month or longer. 


6          Details of any tenancy where (to your knowledge)


            (a)       The landlord is the authority; and


(b)       The tenant is a body in which you have a beneficial                                        interest.


7          Details of any beneficial interest in securities of a body where


(a)       That body (to your knowledge) has a place of business or land in the         area of the authority; and


(b)       Either –


(i)      The total nominal value of the securities exceeds £25,000 or one       hundredth of the total issued share capital of that body; or


(ii)     If that share capital of that body is of more than one class, the total nominal value of the shares of any one class in which the relevant person has a beneficial interest exceeds one hundredth of the total issued share capital of that class.

In addition, you must also disclose other non-pecuniary interests set out in the Code of Conduct where these have not already been registered.



A "disclosable pecuniary interest" is an interest of a councillor or their partner (which means spouse or civil partner, a person with whom they are living as husband or wife, or a person with whom they are living as if they are civil partners).


There were no declarations of interest made on this occasion.



To consider whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during consideration of any item on the agenda.



RESOLVED that,                 the press and public be not excluded from the meeting during consideration of any items of business.




There were no petitions, questions or statements submitted at the time of publication.


There were no statements, petitions or questions submitted on this occasion.


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 195 KB

To confirm the minutes of the last meeting held on 1 July 2022.


RESOLVED that,                 the minutes of the previous meeting of Allerdale Local Committee held on 6 May 2022 be agreed as an accurate and complete record.


Change of Age Range at Wigton Infant School pdf icon PDF 157 KB

To consider a report from the Executive Director – People (Deputy Chief Executive).

Additional documents:


Members considered a report from the Executive Director – People (Deputy Chief Executive) which provided the background on the current formal consultation being undertaken by the county council on the proposed change of age range at Wigton Infant School from 2 to 7 years to a new range of 3 to 7 years.


The Strategic Advisor - Education provided a background to the report by explaining that in September 2020 Wigton Infant School changed its age range to 2 to 7 years in order to allow it to take on the former Longthwaite Road Pre-School.

Members heard that following a review of the facility since September 2020, and a temporary change to concentrate on 3 year-olds, it is now proposed to permanently amend the age range of the school to 3 to 7 years of age. As Wigton Infant School is a community school, it would be the responsibility of Cumbria County Council’s Cabinet to make the decision on whether to publish notices following the consideration of responses received during the consultation process. The consultation was still in process, one response had been received and was in favour.


Following a question from the Vice-Chair, the Strategic Advisor – Education stated that within three miles of Wigton Infant School there were 22 existing school places for 2 year olds.


RESOLVED that,    



1)            the Local Committee notes the contents of the report and agrees to support the proposal in principle

2)            the Local Committee notes that the Cabinet will consider feedback from the consultation, including any response made, before deciding on next steps.






Workington Levelling Up Fund pdf icon PDF 200 KB

To consider a report from the Executive Director – Economy and Infrastructure.


Members considered a report from the Executive Director – Economy and Infrastructure which provided a detailed summary on the Levelling Up Fund application which had been developed by Allerdale Borough Council.


The Programme Lead - Infrastructure Planning explained that the application focused on highway improvements to improve access to key industrial sites to the north of Workington and to enhance pedestrian and cycle connectivity between Workington Town Centre and key cultural amenity spaces.

Members heard that it was intended that these measures would support the planned growth of Workington and enhance access to the Port of Workington from the Strategic Road Network. The Programme Lead – Infrastructure Planning explained that the report had been brought before Allerdale Local Committee to ask for their support, in principle, for Allerdale Borough Council’s proposal.

Members agreed with officers that the proposed measures to improve pedestrian and cycle connectivity support the Council’s ambition around the delivery of active and sustainable transport in the creation of attractive places and vibrant communities.

In response to a question regarding previous proposals, members heard that a bid was submitted in June 2021 for consideration in Round 1 of applications. At that time, Allerdale was classified as a Category 2 area and unfortunately the bid was not successful. Feedback from the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) indicated a strong application, highlighting areas that could be improved. However, with the reclassification of Allerdale as Category 1 and the feedback from DLUHC, the package of schemes submitted for Round 1 had been reviewed and amended to reflect feedback on the unsuccessful application with the intention to enable a successful submission to Round 2.

Members discussed the Town Deal funding and asked that this application coordinate with other projects in the area. Officers agreed that coordination and knowledge sharing would be key to the success of proposals.


RESOLVED that,    


1)            members support, in principle, Allerdale Borough Council’s proposed Levelling Up Fund application,

2)            members agree that upon receipt of the detailed proposals they delegate the decision as to whether to sign a letter of support to the Executive Director Economy and Infrastructure in consultation with the Local Committee Chair.




Allerdale Highways Working Group Minutes pdf icon PDF 188 KB

To note the minutes of the meeting of the Allerdale Highways Working Group and consider any recommendations.

Additional documents:


Members considered a report from the Executive Director – Economy and Infrastructure which detailed the outcome of the meeting of the Highways Working Group (HWG) held on 27th May 2022 and presented recommendations to the Local Committee for consideration.


The Traffic Management Team Leader detailed the proposed improvements to the Greyhound Inn / Torpenhow junction. Members heard that as part of the scheme right hand turning lanes would be constructed into School Lane and Torpenhow Road. The road to Torpenhow would be realigned with a new section of road to form a staggered junction layout. The existing road to Torpenhow would be retained to create an area for safe active travel and allow for any necessary land access. The report proposed to introduce a Prohibition of Motor Vehicles (except for access) to the retained section of road, installing vehicle barriers at either end.


Members then discussed the proposal to reduce the extent of the "No Waiting At Any Time" on the south side of the carriageway on Vicarage Hill, Keswick to allow for some on-street parking availability to remain where safe to do so. It was reported that the Local Member was in support of the proposal.




1)    Local Committee notes the minutes of the meeting of the HWG held on the 27 May 2022 which are attached as Appendix 1 to this report.

2)    Local Committee endorse the recommendations of the HWG and agree the following: -


a) that Local Committee agree to proceed to statutory consultation and advertisement of a Traffic Regulation Order which would consolidate the provisions of The County of Cumbria (Various Roads, Cockermouth and Surrounding Area) (Consolidation and Provision of Traffic Regulation) Order 2020, and propose to introduce a Prohibition of Motor Vehicles (except for access), as shown on the plan attached as Appendix 1 of the report attached as Appendix 2 to this report ("the Order")

b) that Local Committee agree that, subject to there being no unresolved objections received at the end of the statutory consultation and advertisement of the Order referred to in paragraph 3.2.1 a) above, that the Order be brought into operation, as advertised, having taken into consideration the matters contained in Section 122(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 which are more specifically referred to in paragraph 7.2 of the report attached as Appendix 2 to this report.


a)    having taken into consideration the matters contained in section 122(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 which are more specifically referred to at paragraph 7.2 of the report, the Local Committee agrees that "The County of Cumbria (Various Roads, Keswick) (Consolidation and Provision of Traffic Regulations) Order 20><, ("the Order") be brought into operation, as advertised, except for the following: -


i)             That in respect of Proposal 7, the extent of the "No Waiting at Any Time" on the south side of the carriageway  ...  view the full minutes text for item 23.


Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan pdf icon PDF 159 KB

To consider a report from the Executive Director – Economy and Infrastructure.

Additional documents:


Members considered a report from the Executive Director – Economy and Infrastructure which sought approval from Local Committee for the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) for Workington.


The Lead Officer - Infrastructure Planning introduced the report and explained that the methodology for LCWIPs had been developed by the Department for Transport (DfT) as part of the national Cycling and Walking Investment Plan. DfT funding for local cycling and walking schemes were dependent upon the schemes inclusion in a LCWIP, with infrastructure to be designed in line with the DfT Cycle Infrastructure Design guide issued in July 2020.

Members asked whether officers knew how much local demand there was for the schemes included in the plan. The Lead Officer – Infrastructure Planning explained that the schemes were data driven based upon where people live and where they travel to. The data collected from surveys such as the National Travel Survey was then sense-checked with working groups.

The Vice-Chair highlighted the importance of the using the plan as a foundation for funding opportunities and for supporting local decision making.

RESOLVED that,  

1)    members approve the LCWIP for Workington as attached at Appendix 1 of the report.


2)    members delegate authority to the Executive Director – Economy and Infrastructure in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Local Committee to make any necessary minor amendments to the Workington LCWIP prior to its publication.






Proposed Changes To Speed Limits: High Hill, Keswick and Branthwaite Road, Lillyhall pdf icon PDF 190 KB

To consider a report from the Executive Director – Economy and Infrastructure.

Additional documents:


Members considered a report from the Executive Director – Economy and Infrastructure which provided the background and details of proposed changes to the speed limit at B5289 High Hill, Keswick and C2054 Branthwaite Road, Lillyhall.


The Traffic Management Team Leader explained that a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) was currently in operation for a 40mph speed limit at B5289 High Hill, Keswick and was due to expire in August 2022; therefore, a statutory consultation and advertisement had been undertaken to allow the Local Committee to consider the continuation of this arrangement on a permanent basis.

Members heard that the temporary 40mph limit had been implemented in conjunction with the introduction of cycle lanes along B5289 High Hill, in order to moderate traffic speeds to promote the use of these cycle lanes, whilst also moderating speeds as traffic leaves the A66 and approaches Keswick.

The proposed 30mph limit at C2054 Branthwaite Road, Lillyhall was intended to moderate vehicle speeds on the approach to Lillyhall Industrial Estate as traffic leaves the A595, whilst approaching a newly constructed roundabout and accesses to new and existing sections of the industrial estate.

One response was received in relation to proposals at B5289 High Hill, from the Lake District National Park Authority in support of proposals. There were no responses received in relation to proposals at C2054 Branthwaite Road.

RESOLVED that,                 having taken into consideration the matters contained in section 122(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 which are more specifically referred to at paragraph 7.2 of the report, the Local Committee agrees that "The County of Cumbria (B5289 High Hill, Keswick) (40mph Speed Limit) and (C2054 Branthwaite Road, Lillyhall) (30mph Speed Limit) Order 20><", ("the Order") be brought into operation, as advertised.



U7003 Thirlmere dam - Traffic Regulation Order pdf icon PDF 205 KB

To consider a report from the Executive Director – Economy and Infrastructure.


Additional documents:


Members considered a report from the Executive Director – Economy and Infrastructure which provided details of a proposed changes to a Traffic Regulation Order.  The Traffic Management Team Leader provided background to the proposal by explaining that Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders (TTRO) were currently in place for two separate cycling schemes; B5289 High Hill, Keswick and U7003 Thirlmere (dam road). 

Members heard that the respective TTRO’s were due to expire in August 2022, and therefore the statutory consultation and advertisement had been undertaken to allow the Local Committee to consider the continuation of these arrangements.

Regarding the B5289, the current cycle lanes on both sides of the carriageway along a section of High Hill, Keswick continue to be well used by cyclists. The proposed No Waiting at any time (double yellow lines) and Prohibition of Loading/Unloading along that section would ensure that the cycle lanes remained free from obstruction by parked vehicles.

Members then heard that regarding Thirlmere dam, the supporting walls along the dam structure had narrowed the carriageway in such a way that prevents two-way traffic. Officers had considered various design options to maintain traffic flow, however the majority were unfeasible due to the narrow carriageway width, length of the road over the dam structure and / or practicalities of enforcement.  

The proposed restrictions relating to the U7003 at Thirlmere dam were as follows:

·      Prohibition of Motor Vehicles (except for access) along the U7003, Thirlmere (dam road), detailed in Appendix 3

·      Prohibition of Right Turn (No Right Turn) from the U7003 onto the A591, detailed in Appendix 4

·      Prohibition of U-Turn (No U-Turns) on a section of the A591, detailed in Appendix 5

Members were given assurances that the proposed No Right Turn restrictions at the junction of the U7003 and A591 would help to prevent any traffic turning down the dual carriageway the wrong direction, and any vehicles wishing to travel south should either find a safe place to turn or utilise the southern junction with the A591.

RESOLVED that,                 having taken into consideration the matters contained in section 122(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 which are more specifically referred to at paragraph 7.2 of this report, the Local Committee agrees that "The County of Cumbria (B5289 High Hill, Keswick) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting at any time and Prohibition of Loading/Unloading, at any time) and (U7003 Thirlmere) (Prohibition of Motor Vehicles (except for access) and No Right Turn) and (A591 No U-Turn) Order 20><", ("the Order") be brought into operation, as advertised, EXCEPT that the following exemption be added to the "Prohibition of Motor Vehicles (except for access)" restriction on the U7003 at Thirlmere: -

(e) Class 3 invalid carriage



Area Manager Report pdf icon PDF 269 KB

To consider a report from the Executive Director – Corporate, Customer and Community Services.

Additional documents:


Members considered a report from the Executive Director – Corporate, Customer and Community Services which sought to provide members with an update to the activity across Allerdale and any recent developments.


The Area Manager provided an update on activities beginning with the community hub project in Aspatria by stating that it was progressing. An architect had been appointed and was currently working on the detailed design drawings. Funding had been applied for and tenders for the build were expected to be returned by the end of July. Wider stakeholder and community engagement was due to take place in July when detailed drawings would become available.


Members heard that the UK Shared Prosperity Fund Details had been announced with an allocation of £10,585,623 to Cumberland area of which £3,842.852 had been allocated to Allerdale. A plan for schemes in the Allerdale area would be forthcoming.

The Public Health Locality Manager provided an update on the Community Alcohol Partnership (CAP) based in Maryport. The Maryport branch won the CAP of the Year at a recent national award for tackling underage drinkingand promoting the health and wellbeing of local young people.  Members heard that the Maryport CAP was an example of successful partnership work between organisations and the community working together to improve the health and wellbeing of young people. Working with retailers the team were able to promote positive messages relating to safe drinking at community events. Working closely with Netherhall School 28 young students had now engaged in the Young Health Champions course – a valuable Level 2 Public Health qualification equivalent to a GCSE, designed to offer the confidence and skills to become health champions.

Following another update on the Dementia Action Week events which included a new 12 week programme for people with early onset dementia and their carers part funded by Allerdale Local Committee, the Vice-Chair asked that a letter be written to the Allerdale Public Health team thanking them for their work and praising their success.

RESOLVED that,                 members note the contents of the report.








Investment in Our Communities pdf icon PDF 218 KB

To consider a report from the Executive Director – Corporate, Customer and Community Services.

Additional documents:


Members considered a report from the Executive Director – Corporate, Customer and Community Services which presented grant applications in excess of £5,000 for consideration and approval from the 2022-23 budget.


The Community Services Manager provided an overview of the grant applications beginning with Glasson Community Association who would like to make some improvements to their open space recreation field, an amenity available to all at any time. The total cost of the project was £6,250 and the group were allocated £4,500 from Allerdale Local Committee Environment Fund 2021/22, however due to contractor capacity issues the costs had now increased and the group required a further £1,750 from the General Provision Fund.


RESOLVED that,                

1)            members note the contents of the report.

2)            members agree that an amount of £1,750 be allocated from the General Provision Fund to Glasson Community Association to improve their open space recreation field. 








To receive updates from Allerdale’s Local Committee Champions



The Armed Force’s Veterans Champion expressed concerns over the lack of forthcoming information regarding current projects. She stated that she would speak directly to the Portfolio Holder to try and understand what more could be done.



Members representing Allerdale Local Committee are invited to report back verbally on recent meetings they may have attended.


There were no verbal reports delivered from members serving on Outside Bodies on this occasion.



The next meeting will be held at ***** at 10am.


The next meeting of the Allerdale Local Committee was due to take place on 13 September 2022 at Annex Building, West Cumbria House.