Agenda and minutes

South Lakeland Locality Board - Thursday, 25th January, 2024 6.00 pm

Venue: District Council Chamber - Kendal Town Hall - Kendal Town Hall, Lowther Street, Kendal, LA9 4DQ. View directions

Contact: Adam Moffatt - Democratic Services Officer - Email: 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors M Brereton, P Dixon, P Ensor, H Irving and S Sanderson. 


Declarations of Interest/Dispensations

To receive declarations of interest by members of any interests on respect of items on this agenda, and to consider any dispensations.


Members may however, also decide, in the interests of clarity and transparency, to declare at this point in the meeting, any such disclosable pecuniary interests which they have already declared in the Register, as well as any other registerable or other interests.  


The following declarations of interest were made:


On agenda item 7 (Safe and Strong Communities):


In respect of recommendation 2.1, Councillor J Battye declared an interest – ‘other’ and left the meeting during consideration of and voting on this item.


In respect of recommendation 2.3, Councillor H Chaffey declared an interest – ‘other’ and left the meeting during consideration of and voting on this item.


In respect of recommendations 2.5 and 2.8, Councillor G Archibald declared an interest – ‘other’ and left the meeting during consideration of and voting on this item.  Councillor M Severn declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest, remained in the meeting during consideration of and voting on the item, and abstained from voting on this item. 


In respect of recommendation 2.12, Councillors V Hughes, A Jarvis and D Jones declared an interest – ‘other’ and left the meeting during consideration of and voting on this item.





Exclusion of Press and Public

To consider whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during consideration of any item on the agenda.


There were no excluded items on the agenda. 



Public Participation

To receive any questions or statement which have been received from members of the public and to receive any petitions.


(note questions or statement must be received in writing (including email) by the Council at least 3 clear working days before the day of the meeting (not including the day of the meeting). So, for example, if the meeting is on Tuesday requests must be received by 11.59 pm on the previous Wednesday by the person named on the front of the agenda.  Petitions must have been presented to the Monitoring Officer 9 working days before the date of this meeting to be valid).


No members of the public had requested to speak, and no petitions were received. 


Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 150 KB

To consider the minutes of the previous meeting held on 18 October 2023 (copy enclosed).


RESOLVED:    that the minutes of the meeting held on 18 October 2023 be agreed as a true and accurate record.



Councillor Leith Hallatsch


The Board held a minute’s silence to mark the recent passing of Councillor Leith Hallatsch, Mayor and long-serving Member of Windermere and Bowness Town Council. 


Presentation from Fibrus

To receive a presentation from Fibrus regarding the Hyperfast GB Project.


Members received a presentation from Fibrus, regarding the Hyperfast GB Project which aimed to deliver fast and reliable broadband connections to rural homes and businesses, and to urban areas with a history of poor connectivity. The presentation set out the following:-


·       the background to the project and its budget;

·       the project’s key stages and the timescales, including surveying and planning, building the network, and testing readiness for service;

·       employment opportunities arising from the project, including 90 apprenticeships over a three-year period and the creation of a training academy in Penrith;

·       the offsetting of possible environmental impact through the use of sustainable materials;

·       various community projects supported through Hyperfast GB.


The Chair invited members to raise any questions following the presentation.


Following a question about how areas of poor connectivity were being identified, Members were informed that Fibrus was working in partnership with BDUK to identify postcodes that were eligible for assistance.  In addition, part of Fibrus’s outreach strategy involved publicity directed at villages, hamlets and other small communities, plus individual farms, through social media, mailshots, attendance at events such as agricultural shows and direct contact with Parish Councils.  To date, over one thousand properties in Cumbria had been identified as requiring additional support for broadband provision, and work was being carried out with rural groups to ensure inclusion.  It was anticipated that 99% of rural properties would be covered by the project at its conclusion. 


In response to a question, it was confirmed that Hyperfast GB networks would exclusively use underground fibre optic cables that were entirely separate to those of BT.  The project would achieve broadband speeds of approximately one gigabit. 


Members were informed that the network would ultimately be open to competition from any interested providers in the long-run, which could bring the benefit of competitive pricing in favour of customers. 


Safe and Strong Communities pdf icon PDF 3 MB

To consider a report from the Senior Manager, Safe and Strong Communities.

Additional documents:


The Senior Manager (Safe and Strong Communities) introduced a report which set out information from across the Thriving Communities Teams, including community development, and provided an update on the work undertaken by three of the four working groups created by the Locality Board at its meeting held on 18 July 2023. Members were also given an update on current issues and an overview of the Locality Board budget position.


The Chair thanked the Senior Manager (Safe and Strong Communities) and his team for the extraordinary work they had undertaken over the preceding 12 months, and then invited the three Working Group Chairs to provide an update on the work undertaken in the initial meetings.


The Chair of the Building Community Assets and Addressing Inequalities Working Group informed Members that the Working Group had discussed the two devolved budgets, which related to Building Community Assets and Local Sustainable Travel and Transport. Members were informed of the issues considered, as set out in the Action Notes of the meeting which were attached at Appendix II to the report.


The Chair of the Children and Young People Working Group informed Members that the Working Group had received presentations about the recent activities of the Children in Care Council and Care Experienced Young People, from Em Fenton, Deputy Member of Youth Parliament about her role, and an update on the changed to the Public Health Nursing Team.  A number of grant submissions had been considered with respect to the two devolved budgets as set out in the Action Notes of the meeting which were attached at Appendix I to the report.  In respect of a request from the Board for a presentation on the Council’s corporate parenting role, it was noted that this was now likely to be a full Council presentation later in the year. 


The Chair of the Climate Action and Increasing Biodiversity Working Group apprised the Board of presentations received from the Cumbria Wildlife Trusts on the Pollinator Programmes in Cumbria including seven South Lakeland site that were part of the 2023/24 ‘Planting for Pollinators’ project, and on the Home Upgrade Grants 2 scheme providing energy efficiency upgrades to energy inefficient and off-gas-grid homes.  It was also reported that the former South Lakeland District Council’s Biodiversity Toolkit had been updates as requested at the Board’s last meeting.  The Action Notes of the Working Group were attached at Appendix III to the report.


To further the efficient transaction of business, and to take account of Members’ various declarations of interest and associated requirements to leave the meeting during consideration of matters (Minute 38 of these Minutes refers), the Chair proposed that Members consider the recommendations in the following order:


Recommendation at paragraph 2.3 in the report;

Recommendation at paragraph 2.1 in the report;

Recommendation at 2.12 in the report;

Recommendations at paragraphs 2.5 and 2.8 in the report;

Recommendations at paragraphs 2.2, 2.4, 2.6, 2.7, 2.9 and 2.10 in the report;

Recommendation at paragraph 2.11 in the report; and

Recommendation at paragraph  ...  view the full minutes text for item 44.


Highways Working Group Report pdf icon PDF 123 KB

To consider a report from the Area Highway Network Manager.

Additional documents:


The Area Highway Network Manager introduced a report which set out the Action Notes of the Highways Working Group (the Working Group), held on 28 November 2023.


Members were provided with details of the Action Notes as attached at Appendix 1 to the report.


The Chair invited Councillor R Audland, the Chair of the Working Group to provide an update on the work done by members at the meetings since the Locality Board’s last meeting on 18 October 2023.  Members were informed that the working group would review its progress over the past year to help inform its future work.


The Area Highway Network Manager was asked to advise on the Council’s gritting strategy for villages and C Roads, and he confirmed that during periods of ice and snow, the Council’s website provided daily updates on Priority 1 and 2 gritting routes.  Priority 3 routes were gritted thereafter if resources remained after Priority 1 and 2 routes were deemed to be gritted and safe.  Priority 3 information was not generally published on the website.  Noting that some Parishes had undertaken additional gritting in their areas, he said that he would welcome discussions with individual Ward Members about this. As part of best practice there would be a general review of the Council’s winter road resources strategy which would consider all aspects including, for example, budgets, future priorities, road closure strategies and plant equipment.


In response to a question about the increased levels of road damage following inclement weather, it was confirmed that the Council had received around 1,400 reports of potholes during the past week, and that there was a separate budget to cover exceptional extreme weather responses.  A reallocation of Central Government funding to Local Authorities was expected to be realised in the wake of the cancellation of part of the HS2 rail project, to assist with improving the resilience of local road networks.  


The Board expressed thanks to the Highways Teams for their excellent work over the winter period and during the recent storms.  The Board paid particular thanks to the Area Highway Network Manager who would shortly retire, and wished him well for the future. 


RESOLVED: that the Actions Notes of the Working Group meeting of 28 November 2023 at Appendix 1 to the report be noted.



Local Sustainable Travel and Transport Fund pdf icon PDF 100 KB

To receive a report from the Senior Manager – Sustainable Transport.

Additional documents:


The Senior Manager Sustainable Transport introduced a report which presented Members with a list of schemes that the South Lakeland Locality Board – Building Community Assets and Addressing Inequalities Working Group had recommended approving to utilise the Local Sustainable Travel and Transport Fund (the Fund) allocation.


The report set out the funding for the Local Sustainable Travel and Transport Fund, as agreed by Cabinet at its meeting held on 6 June 2023 as well as the process and funding delegations for considering any bids from the relevant groups, which would be submitted to a South Lakeland Community Transport Grants Panel for approval.


Members were being asked to endorse the phase of schemes as attached at Appendix 1 to the report, which had been considered by the Building Community Assets and Addressing Inequalities Working Group at its meeting held on 6 December 2023.


The Senior Manager Sustainable Transport highlighted an application from the Morecambe Bay Partnership for the Arnside to Grange Trail. This application had initially been submitted to the Council’s Partnership Fund; however did not receive any funding through this mechanism. Full details of the application were provided as set out at Appendix 2 to the report. 


With reference to a question on the M6 Junction 36 Park and Ride scheme, the Senior Manager Sustainable Transport would check progress on the data collection and feasibility study elements of the project and report back. 


The following points were raised in discussion:


With reference to the remaining £47,201 contingency of the Local Sustainable Travel and Transport Fund, Members requested to be kept informed of any funding allocations made to projects still being considered.  In addition, Members indicated that they would support the carrying over of funds into the 2024/25 budget.


Members welcomed any information on alternative means of funding those projects which had been unable to receive funding, and requested that the eligibility of any of the schemes for Community Infrastructure Levy funding be explored as one alternative. 



RESOLVED: that the Director of Thriving Places, in consultation with the Chair of the Locality Board agree the list of recommended schemes to utilise the remaining balance of the Local Sustainable Travel and Transport Fund as set out at Appendix 1.


Bridge Restrictions Traffic Regulation Order pdf icon PDF 116 KB

To consider a report from the Traffic Management Team Leader regarding Bridge Restrictions Traffic Regulation Order.

Additional documents:


The Traffic Management Team Leader introduced a report, which set out the responses to the statutory consultation and advertising of the Order as set out in the report.


The Council had been requested by the Bridges and Structures Team to consult upon weight and traffic restrictions on the following proposals:-


·       Introducing a prohibition of all motor vehicles on that length of the U5528 heading towards Middle Fell Farm, near Great Langdale, from a point 24 metres north of the centre of its junction with the U5528 towards Stool End, extending over the full expanse of Middle Gell Bridge;

·       Introducing a 7.5 Tonnes Maximum gross vehicle weight limit on the following bridges:-


(a)      U5614 Main Drain Bridge, near Levens;

(b)      U5082 Water Yeat (Old) Bridge, near Water Yeat

(c)      U5001 Bridge End Bridge, near Little Langdale; and

(d)      U5001 Fell Foot Bridge, near Little Langdale.


·       Introducing a 10 Tonnes maximum gross vehicle weight limit on the U5518 Newland Mill Bridge, near Newland Bottom.


Full details of the proposals were out in the report and attached appendices, which included:-


·       the statutory notice used for advertising and consultation (Appendix 1)

·       the plans detailing the extents of the proposals (Appendix 2)

·       the Council’s Statement of reason for proposing to make the Order.

·       A summary of the responses to the consultation, as set out at Appendix 4 to the report.


Members asked the Traffic Management Team Leader about enforcement of the bridge restrictions and consultation with emergency services and she advised that enforcement fell within the jurisdiction of the local police, and the emergency services were routinely consulted on all bridge restrictions.  She confirmed that the proposed bridge restrictions would also apply to emergency vehicles. 


Members expressed their support for the proposals, citing the paramount importance of safety, the protection of assets and the need to avoid repair expense and detours. 


In addition, the Board requested that a presentation on bridge restrictions be given at a future Board meeting. 


A motion to approve the recommendation as set out in the report was proposed and seconded. A vote was taken and it was


RESOLVED:    that, having taken into account the representations which were received during the statutory consultation and advertisement and having also taken into consideration the matters contained in Section 122(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 which are more specifically referred to at paragraph 8.1 of this report, that the “Westmorland and Furness Council (Various Bridges - South Lakeland Area) (Traffic Regulation) Order 20><”, be brought into operation as advertised.


Parking Restrictions Traffic Regulation Order pdf icon PDF 115 KB

To consider a report from the Traffic Management Team Leader regarding Parking Restrictions Traffic Regulation Order.

Additional documents:


The Traffic Management Team Leader introduced a report, which set out the responses to the statutory consultation and advertising of the Order as set out in the report.


Parking restrictions had been brought in under emergency powers followed by a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) made by Cumbria County Council in the summer of 2022 in response to parking taking place which had caused an obstruction at the following locations:-


(a)      A65 Bentnick Drive, Kirkby Lonsdale;


(b)      U5527, U5528 and B5343 at Dungeon Ghyll, Great Langdale;


(c)      B5343 Near Elterwater; and


(d)      A591 Jenkins Field, Ambleside


Members were informed that TTROs could remain for a maximum of 18 months, and if a benefit was found from the temporary restrictions, it was proposed that the restrictions were made permanent through a Traffic Regulation Order.


Further Parking restrictions were proposed to be implemented on Birch Street in Windermere, which would enable enforcement to take place to prevent obstructive parking.


Additional “No Waiting at Any Time” restrictions were proposed at U5532 Pelter Bridge to prevent obstructive parking that had prevented access to properties.


Police Parking Bays were proposed at the following two locations to allow police vehicles and speed camera vans only to park and carry out proactive enforcement of the speed limits at these locations without being impeded:-


(a)      A591 between Benfield and Greenhead Fold Grasmere; and


(b)      A6 Shap Road in Kendal.


Further proposals were set out for the removal of the “No Waiting, 8.00 a.m. – 7.00 p.m., Full Week” restrictions on the U5527 Great Langdale and the B5343 Great Langdale as well as the removal of the “No Waiting at Any Time” restrictions on the A591 Lake Road (south of Waterhead the northbound cycle bypass pull-in) and on the U5532 Steps End Road, Pelter Bridge.


Members were informed that to enable the implementation of the restrictions listed in the report, the revocation of several TRP entries would be required across the locations as listed in the notice.


The report and attached appendices set out full details of the proposals, which included:-


·       Summaries of the proposals in the statutory notice (Appendix 1)

·       Plans showing the extents of the proposed restrictions (Appendix 2)

·       The Council’s statement of reason for proposing to make the Order (Appendix 3)

·       A summary of the responses to the Statutory Consultation (Appendix 4).


In relation to the Police Parking Bays proposed at the A591 between Benfield and Greenhead Fold Grasmere and the A6 Shap Road in Kendal, the Traffic Management Team Leader reported that she had been asked to provide speed camera data and confirmed that to date, 747 Notices of Intention to Prosecute had been issued in respect of the Shap Road.  Members expressed support for the police parking bays which would assist greatly with enforcement of speed limits and traffic monitoring in the area. 


A motion to approve the recommendation as set out in the report was proposed and seconded. A vote was taken and it was


RESOLVED: that having taken into  ...  view the full minutes text for item 48.


Appointments to Outside and Other Bodies pdf icon PDF 84 KB

To consider a report from the Chief Legal and Monitoring Officer regarding, appointments to Outside and Other Bodies.

Additional documents:


The Chief Legal and Monitoring Officer introduced the report which asked the Board to appoint three members to the Windermere School Endowment.  The appointed Members would act as Governors, would be required to attend two meetings per year and would be consulted by email on some matters throughout the year.  It was noted that the term of appointment would be three years. 


Councillor V Hughes nominated Councillors S Bavin, W Clark and A Jarvis as the three Members of the Windermere School Endowment, and this was seconded by Councillor E Hennessey. 


No further nominations were received. 


RESOLVED: that Councillors S Bavin, W Clark and A Jarvis be appointed as the Council’s representatives on the Windermere School Endowment.



Outside Bodies

To receive feedback from members on the outside bodies they attend.


Members provided verbal updates following Outside Body meetings they had attended since the last meeting of the Locality Board.  The Chief Legal and Monitoring Officer reported that the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee was currently conducting a full review of outside body memberships and would report in due course. 


Urgent Items

To consider any urgent items of business.


There were no Urgent Items for consideration.


Date of the Next Meeting

The next meeting of the South Lakeland Locality Board is scheduled for Thursday, 25 April 2024 at 6 p.m. and will be held in the District Council Chamber at Kendal Town Hall.


The next meeting of the South Lakeland Locality Board was scheduled for Thursday 25 April 2024 at 6 p.m. The meeting would be held in the District Council Chamber at Kendal Town Hall.