Agenda and draft minutes

South Lakeland Locality Board - Thursday, 25th April, 2024 6.00 pm

Venue: County Council Chamber - County Hall, Busher Walk, Kendal, LA9 4RQ. View directions

Contact: Adam Moffatt - Democratic Services Officer - Email: 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors J Cornthwaite, I Mitchell, D Rathbone and S Sanderson.


Declarations of Interest/Dispensations

To receive declarations of interest by members of any interests on respect of items on this agenda, and to consider any dispensations.


Members may however, also decide, in the interests of clarity and transparency, to declare at this point in the meeting, any such disclosable pecuniary interests which they have already declared in the Register, as well as any other registerable or other interests.  


The Legal, Governance and Democracy Lead Specialist reminded Members of the guidance around pre-determination and bias, noting that Members should consider whether or not they were pre-determined on any aspect of the items on the agenda.


No declarations of interest were raised.


Exclusion of Press and Public

To consider whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during consideration of any item on the agenda.


There were no excluded items on the agenda.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 144 KB

To consider the minutes of the previous meeting held on 25 January 2024 (copy enclosed).


RESOLVED, that the Chair be authorised to sign the minutes of the meeting held on 25 January 2024, as a true and accurate record.


Public Participation

To receive any questions or statement which have been received from members of the public and to receive any petitions.


(note questions or statement must be received in writing (including email) by the Council at least 3 clear working days before the day of the meeting (not including the day of the meeting). So, for example, if the meeting is on Tuesday requests must be received by 11.59 pm on the previous Wednesday by the person named on the front of the agenda.  Petitions must have been presented to the Monitoring Officer 9 working days before the date of this meeting to be valid).


No members of the public had registered to speak and no petitions had been received.


Presentation from National Highways and Kier Construction

To receive a presentation from the M6 Lune Gorge Project Team.


Note – Cllr M Brereton arrived at 18.08 p.m.


Members received a presentation from National Highways and Kier Construction, which provided an update on the M6 Lune Gorge Project. The presentation set out the following:-


·       A round of ground investigations completed, including communication with landowners to gain access during the investigation works with further engagement with local communities to introduce the project team;

·       A completed options phase of the project in October 2023, including reducing contraflow to 5km;

·       Use of specialist gantry cranes which were less intrusive and safer for road users, reducing the requirement for full closures;

·       One side of M6 Junction 38 to be kept open to maintain access;

·       Identified a potential main compound at Tebay Sidings and the using of existing National Highways Depot as a secondary compound;

·       Robust signage strategy in place; and

·       An update on the social value fund.


Members were also informed of the collaboration between the M6 Lune Gorge and A66 project teams to ensure clashes of road closures were avoided and that communications, signage, maintenance and stakeholder engagement were all shared between the two projects.


Following queries raised by Members, it was confirmed that although there would be a reduction in the need for full road closures, some would be required as part of the works. Members were informed that a minimum of two weeks’ notice would be given ahead of road closures and that the Project Team would continue working with Highways Officers to keep the Council up to date on any necessary closures.


Note – Cllr H Hodgson arrived at 18.17


Members highlighted that the Torchlight Precession would be a crucial date to avoid.


Members sought clarity on the route any diverted traffic would take. It was noted that this route would take traffic off the M6 at Junction 36 and through Kendal to ensure there were no weight or height restrictions on the diversion route.


Note – Cllr G Archibald arrived at 18.22


Members were informed that should an emergency occur during the planned works, it would generally be managed in collaboration with the responders to stop the diversion temporarily.


Members requested that the slides be circulated following the meeting.


Presentation from Active Cumbria for South Lakeland pdf icon PDF 192 KB

To receive a presentation from Active Cumbria regarding its investment programme in South Lakeland.


Members received a presentation which provided an update on Active Cumbria and the investment programme in South Lakeland. The presentation highlighted the following:-


·       Key aims of the impact of physical activity in supporting the achievement of community based outcomes;

·       Reconditioning fund, which included work with Cumbria Public Health, St Mary’s Hospice, HP Activities, GLL – Better, Kendal Leisure Centre and the Hiking Household.

·       Together Fund, which included work with Sport England, Kendal and District Parkinsons Group, Headway south Cumbria, Furness MIND, Riverside/DWP Kendal, South Lakes Housing/ Tyson Square  Ulverston.

·       Local Delivery, including Street Tag, Active Travel to School, Live Longer Better (in Cumbria), Rambles Wellbeing Walks (Cumbria), PE Network and Active Lives.

·       An update on future investment, Monitoring evaluation and learning from current work, engagement with Westmorland and Furness Council Officers across directorates and continued support through Active Cumbria’s programmes.


Following queries from Members it was noted that there was a logo associated with Active Cumbria and that partners were encouraged to advertise that they had been involved. Furthermore, it was confirmed that there was scope to work with Veterans in the future.


Members requested further information on how the Locality Board could assess value for money ahead of the Council’s budget process. It was noted that an annual report and the return on social investment could be provided and that the best way to approach this topic, would be to contact the Director of Public Health and Westmorland and Furness Council when initial discussions on the budget were being held to ensure the relevant information was shared at an early stage in the budget process.


Members raised queries relating to a number of local projects, which covered all age groups across the Westmorland and Furness area.


Members expressed their support for the positive work being done by Active Cumbria to promote an active lifestyle to residents and discussed Street Tag and how Members could get involved and promote the work being done by Active Cumbria to Parish Councils.


Presentation on the Local Plan

To receive a presentation on the Local Plan.


Members received a presentation on the Local Plan from the Interim Senior Manager (Planning Policy) and the Senior Specialist (Strategy Policy). The presentation explained that the Local Plan would be a spatial expression of the Council Plan, including a vision of how the places within Westmorland and Furness would change over the next 15 years. It was noted that the Local Plan would provide vision, strategy and sites, as well as the guiding infrastructure delivery.


The presentation explained the following:-


·       The importance of Infrastructure, Development, Environmental and Heritage Assets and Supply of Minerals.

·       New generation of local plans under the new levelled up system.

·       The implications of AUKUS work in Barrow-in-Furness.

·       The challenges of an ageing population, changing rural economy, managing and reducing the areas’ Carbon Footprint and the need for affordable housing.


Members were informed of the Communication and Engagement Strategy, which would be a flexible and up to date approach to consultation, engagement and communications on the Local Plan with residents/ communities and stakeholders throughout the process.


The Locality Board also received an update on the preparation of a Design Code, which when complete, would be adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document. The Design Code would provide detailed coding and guidance on the design and layout of new development including form, materials, layout, open space and biodiversity net gain. A further update on the Furness Master Plan was provided, it was noted that the Master Plan would articulate the vision for Barrow and Furness and run alongside the development of the Local Plan, drawing strength, direction and momentum from each other.


Members expressed their support for the ambitious aims for the Local Plan and noted that the inclusion of the Furness Master Plan would be key with the two projects being integrally linked.


Following queries from Members, it was noted that the Design Code would be district wide, but would have different typology, representing the characteristics of each area of Westmorland and Furness, it would not be prescriptive and would instead provide guidance on principles.


It was noted that the impacts of climate change would form a crucial part of the Local Plan and in particular the flooding situation which would be outlined by the new Strategic Flood Assessment that was being developed by the Environment Agency.


Members noted the importance of the Local Plans Team working closely with the Planning Team. It was also highlighted that the need for sites for housing and commercial with specific types of housing was crucial, and Members were informed that this would be included as part of the plan, however each site would be subject to a viability study.


Members raised a query about co-operation with other authorities, notably Cumberland Council and if there was a duty to co-operate as there was with the Lake District National Park. It was noted that although it was complex, the work being done to identify the needs of the area through the Local Plan development would help to identify the zones of influence around  ...  view the full minutes text for item 60.


Presentation on the Local Nature Recovery Strategy

To receive a presentation on the Local Nature Recovery Strategy.


Members received a presentation on the Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) from Councillor G Archibald (Cabinet Member for Climate and Biodiversity). The presentation explained the following:-


·       The difference between biodiversity loss and climate change;

·       The severe impact of biodiversity loss on the way we live and

·       The crucial role of Members in spreading the word to residents, community groups, Parish and Town Councils and anyone who was interested.


Members were informed of the purpose of the LNRS, how the Strategy would work in identifying opportunities, aligning existing guidance and policies and establishing strategic alignment between the LNRS and Biodiversity Net Gain Strategy. It was noted that LNRS targets would help to monitor progress with regular reporting back to the Council and leveraging the alignment to driver successful grant writing and giving efforts. Members were informed of the Governance Structure for the Strategy, project timeline and the two key parts which would be a written document and an interactive map showing habitats, priorities and measures.


Members requested that key contact details and the slides be circulated.


Members discussed the importance of the LNRS and the positive impact this could have on the unique nature of Cumbria and the Westmorland and Furness Area.


It was noted that many Members had already been involved in a diverse list of projects that showed the cross-party support for the proposals and ongoing work around this area.


Members highlighted the importance of Community Groups and Parish/ Town Councils, many of which, were already active in work that links to the LNRS.


Locality Board Members reiterated the earlier point that the ongoing work had been a truly cross-party effort and that the enthusiasm and passion had been important in promoting the work around the LNRS.






Safe and Strong Communities pdf icon PDF 209 KB

To consider a report from the Senior Manager, Safe and Strong Communities.

Additional documents:


The Senior Manager Community Services (Interim Area Manager for South Lakeland) introduced a report which set out information from across the Thriving Communities Team. The update highlighted current issues and provided an overview of the Locality Board budget position.


Members were informed of the work undertaken in the South Lakeland Locality Board’s priority areas as reflected by the Working Groups:-


·       Children and Young People Working Group;

·       Building Community Assets and Addressing Inequalities Working Group; and

·       Climate Action and Increasing Biodiversity Working Group.


The Chair thanked officers for their hard work and dedication over the last twelve months.


The three Working Group Chairs were invited to provide an update on the work undertaken since the Locality Board’s last meeting.


The Chair of the Building Communities and Assets and Addressing Inequalities Working Group informed the Locality Board of work done with Arnside Warm Spaces and other community groups including work on a grant for garden at Hallgarth Community Centre in Kendal and sustainable travel grants to provide assistance to the community in Coniston for a local bus.


The Chair of the Children and Young People Working Group informed the Locality Board that Members of the Working Group had attended the National Youth Agency Workshop in Preston, with work feeding into the Working Group. It was also noted that the Locality Board was having a positive impact with more information being gathered on the health of the communities at a local and strategic level with information regarding a grant to a local breast feeding group and a positive report from the Goodly Dale School regarding a project run by Comic Arts.


The Chair of the Climate Action and Increasing Biodiversity Working Group informed the Locality Board that the Working Group continued to support a lot of projects in the local area. He noted the Greenside and Fellside Forums and community groups in Coniston, which had particularly highlighted the positive work that was being supported by the Locality Board.


Members expressed their support for the positive work being done by the Working Groups and requested that the Community Development Team demonstrate the possibilities through Council newsletters and Social Media where possible.


Councillor H Ladhams proposed the recommendations as set out within the report and was seconded by Councillor M Severn.


Members raised a query regarding how the activity of the Working Groups was being monitored to ensure the Locality Board budget was being used effectively. The Senior Manager – Safe and Strong Communities explained that all of the grants had detailed reports on how the money was used, which was then fed back into the Work Group meetings to note the successes.


Members requested that this be shared with all Locality Board Members through SharePoint to allow easy access for all Councillors.


A vote was taken and it was unanimously


RESOLVED, that:-


(1)      the award of £8,000 (£5,135 from the 0-19 service allocation fund and £2,865 from the 11-19 universal services fund) to South Cumbria Breastfeeding Support be approved, to provide breastfeeding support services  ...  view the full minutes text for item 62.


Events and Festivals Grants Panel Arts Culture and Heritage Grants Panel pdf icon PDF 78 KB

To receive nominations and appoint a Member of the South Lakeland Locality Board to sit on the Events and Festival Grants Panel.


The Senior Manager – Safe and Strong Communities presented a report which requested that Members nominate and approve a member of the South Lakeland Locality Board to sit on the Council’s internal Events and Festival Grants Panel and another Member to sit on the Council’s Internal Arts and Culture and Heritage Grants Panel.


Councillor S Bavin nominated Councillor H Chaffey for both positions and was seconded by Councillor V Hughes.


No further nominations were received.


A vote was taken and it was unanimously


RESOLVED, that:-


(1)      Councillor H Chaffey be the South Lakeland Locality Board representative on the Council’s Internal Events and Festivals Grants Panel; and


(2)      Councillor H Chaffey be the South Lakeland Locality Board representative on the Council’s Internal Arts, Culture and Heritage Grants Panel.


Highways Working Group Report pdf icon PDF 122 KB

To consider a report from the Area Highways Network Manager.

Additional documents:


The Traffic Management Manager presented a report on the work of the Highways Working Group.


The report set out work done by the Highways Working Group since the last meeting of the Locality Board in January 2024.


Councillor R Audland proposed that that the minutes of the working group as attached to the report be noted. Councillor G Archibald seconded the proposal.


The Chair of the Highways Working Group provided an update on the minutes as attached at Appendix 1 to the report, he explained that progress had been made regarding a regular flooding event in Hincaster and that this would be followed up at the next Highways Working Group meeting.


A vote was taken and it was unanimously


RESOVLED, that the minutes of the Highways Working Group, as attached at Appendix 1 to the report, be noted.


Local Sustainable Travel and Transport Fund Update pdf icon PDF 79 KB

To note the update in relation to the Local Sustainable Travel and Transport Fund.


The Senior Manager – Sustainable Transport introduced the report, which provided an update on the Local Sustainable Travel and Transport Fund and introduced the new Public Transport Manager to the Locality Board.


Members were asked to note the update on the status of the schemes that had been approved.


Councillor H Ladhams proposed that the update be noted and was seconded by Councillor P Thornton.


Following a query relating to a scheme noted in the update on Vicarage Drive, Kendal, the Senior Manager – Sustainable Transport undertook to provide a written response.


Members requested clarity on how items could be added to the list of schemes. The Senior Manager – Sustainable Transport undertook to provide the contact details of the two project officers.


A vote was taken and it was unanimously


RESOLVED, that the Local Sustainable Travel and Transport Fund Update be noted.


20 MPH Prioritisation pdf icon PDF 158 KB

To receive an update on the background, applications received and the prioritisation process undertaken for the Council’s 20 MPH Policy.

Additional documents:


The Traffic Management Manager presented a report which set out the background to the Council’s 20 MPH Policy, applications received and the prioritisation process undertaken. The outcomes and timetable for delivery were set out at Appendix 2 and 3 respectively.


Members were asked to consider the first year programme of schemes for delivery in the South Lakeland area, as set out in Appendix 3 to the report.


It was noted that Appendix 3 covered the first year of the three year programme, which included eleven schemes for South Lakeland in 2024/25.


Regarding paragraph 11.3 in the report, the Traffic Management Manager explained that match funding had been a request in the application form and represented a request for Town and Parish Council’s to work with the Council in utilising the Parish Network and help with the cost of venues and distribution of consultation materials utilising existing means such as a parish magazine in their local areas.


Members expressed their thanks to officers for their hard work and dedication to this project, noting the amount of work that had been done to get the 20 MPH prioritisation to the current stage.


Councillor P Thornton proposed that the recommendations, as set out in the report be approved. He added his thanks to officers for the work done on the report and in preparation for the report and explained that there was a commitment from the Council and Members to deliver the Schemes set out in the report.


Councillor E Hennessy seconded the proposal, noting the impact approving 20 MPH schemes could have on the Westmorland and Furness area, which linked to safety, reducing carbon emissions from vehicles and encouraging people to walk and cycle.


Members thanked officers for highlighting the earlier point regarding paragraph 11.3 and noted that the clarification was important to note as it explained that the match funding would relate to assisting with the cost of venues and utilising the parish network.


Members discussed the proposals and the positive impact the 20 MPH schemes would have, particularly noting the safety aspect due to the significant impact on stopping differences between 20 and 30 MPH.


Members emphasised that the report and appendices represented a starting point and it was important that communities responded to future consultation and engagement to ensure that support for any proposed scheme was registered.


A vote was taken, and it was unanimously


RESOLVED, that having invited applications and undertaken a scoring process to consider the locations requested across Westmorland and Furness, the eleven schemes for the South Lakeland Locality listed in Appendix 3 to the report be approved, and be progressed to design, consultation, then legal Traffic Regulation Order process and delivery (subject to local support) for the first year of the project in 2024/25.




Speed Limit Consolidation Order with Old Hutton and Ulverston 20 MPH pdf icon PDF 130 KB

To consider a report from the Traffic Management Team Leader regarding Speed Limit Consolidation Orders at Old Hutton and Ulverston.

Additional documents:


The Traffic Management Team Leader presented a report which sought approval for the introduction of the Order to consolidate the existing speed limits into one concise Order, as well as introduce the new 20MPH speed limits in Ulverston and Old Hutton.


Members were informed that the proposals would put all the speed limits into a more easily understood and administered format, which would also enhance enforcement. It was noted that representations had been made to the proposal to implement the 20MPH at Old Hutton and Ulverston, with the summary of responses set out at Appendix 4 to the report.


Councillor J Filmore proposed that the recommendations be approved and was seconded by Councillor J Drake.


Members requested information on the amount of data gathered and the usefulness. It was noted that extensive data had been collected and it had assisted in showing that the two proposals were compatible without having traffic calming measures alongside the speed limit at 20 MPH.


Members expressed their support for both proposals.


A vote was taken and it was unanimously,


RESOLVED, that Having taken into consideration representations received during statutory advertisement and consultation of the proposed Order, and having also taken into consideration the matters contained in Section 122(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 which are more specifically referred to at paragraph 7.2 of this Report, that the Locality Board agree that the Westmorland and Furness Council (Various Roads, South Lakeland Area) (Consolidation and Provision of Speed Limits) Order 20>< (“the Order”) be brought into operation, as advertised. The effect of the Order will be to consolidate the restrictions and provisions of the following orders, without any change of substance:-

i. The County of Cumbria (Various Roads in the District of South Lakeland) (Consolidation and Provision of Speed Limits) Order 2018

ii. The County of Cumbria (Various Roads in the District of South Lakeland) (Consolidation and Provision of Speed Limits) (Order 2018) Variations Order (No.1) 2018

iii. The County of Cumbria (Various Roads in the District of South Lakeland) (Consolidation and Provision of Speed Limits) (Order 2018) Variations Order (No.2) 2019

iv. The County of Cumbria (Various Roads in the District of South Lakeland) (Consolidation and Provision of Speed Limits) (Order 2018) Variations Order (No.3) 2019

v. The County of Cumbria (Various Roads in the District of South Lakeland) (Consolidation and Provision of Speed Limits) (Order 2018) Variations Order (No.4) 2021

vi. The County of Cumbria (Various Roads in the District of South Lakeland) (Consolidation and Provision of Speed Limits) (Order 2018) Variations Order (No.5) 2021

vii. The County of Cumbria (Various Roads in the District of South Lakeland) (Consolidation and Provision of Speed Limits) (Order 2018) Variations Order (No.6) 2021

viii. The County of Cumbria (Various Roads in the District of South Lakeland) (Consolidation and Provision of Speed Limits) (Order 2018) Variations Order (No.7) 2022

ix. The County of Cumbria (Various Roads in the District of South Lakeland) (Consolidation and Provision of Speed  ...  view the full minutes text for item 67.


Outside Bodies

To receive feedback from members on the outside bodies they attend.


Members provided verbal updates following Outside Bodies meetings they had attended since the last meeting of the Locality Board.


Members requested an update on the responsibilities of their appointment to the Outside Bodies. The Legal, Governance and Democracy Specialist (Democratic Services) noted that the list had been circulated following the October Locality Board meeting and undertook to provide a written response following the meeting.


Urgent Items

To consider any urgent items of business.


There were no Urgent Items for consideration.