Venue: District Council Chamber - Kendal Town Hall - Kendal Town Hall, Lowther Street, Kendal, LA9 4DQ. View directions
Contact: Adam Moffatt - Democratic Services Officer - Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence. |
Membership To receive details of any changes in membership. |
Declarations of Interest/Dispensations To receive declarations of interest by members of any interests on respect of items on this agenda, and to consider any dispensations.
Members may however, also decide, in the interests of clarity and transparency, to declare at this point in the meeting, any such disclosable pecuniary interests which they have already declared in the Register, as well as any other registerable or other interests. |
Exclusion of Press and Public To consider whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during consideration of any item on the agenda. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 143 KB To consider the minutes of the previous meeting held on 27 June 2024 (copy enclosed). |
Public Participation Any Member of the public who wishes to make representations relating to an item on the agenda for this meeting should apply to do so no later than 0:01am (one minute past midnight) three working days before the date of the meeting. Anyone wishing to make representations to this meeting should contact the officer named on the front of the agenda, providing a written summary of the issues they intend to raise. |
To consider an Application for design changes for the approved Phase 1, Kendal Linear Defences Scheme (SL/2018/0925) comprising amendments to the approved linear defences, flood gates surface water drainage, re-profiling and reinstating the slipway to the River Kent and landscaping at Reach F3/ New Road Common, Kendal Cumbria. Additional documents: |
Planning Application No. 2023/1045/FPA - Belle Vue, Princes Street, Ulverston, LA12 7NB PDF 1 MB To consider an Application for the conversion of the existing building into seven apartments and for the erection of an external shared refuse bin enclosure. |
Planning Application No. 2023/1046/LBC - Belle Vue, Princes Street, Ulverston, LA12 7NB PDF 1 MB To consider an application for listed building consent for the conversion of existing building into seven apartments. |
To consider an Application for the change of use of a retail unit (Use Class E) to an Independent School (Use Class F1). |
Planning Application No. 2024/0964/FPA - Colt Park Farm, Aldingham, Ulverston LA12 9RU PDF 649 KB To consider an Application for the redevelopment of site, involving demolition of barn and erection of dwelling. |
To consider an Application for the extension of the garage and garden room, with a new detached garage and extended access drive. |
To consider an application for a detached single storey garage. |
Planning Application No. 2024/1028/FPA - 33 Castle Garth, Kendal, LA9 7AT PDF 856 KB To consider the partial demolition of rear outrigger, adaptation of existing house for wheelchair use and the erection of single storey rear extension. |
Planning Application No. 2024/1331/FPA - 23 Greenside, Kendal, Cumbria, LA9 5DU PDF 821 KB To consider an Application for a new front entrance porch, single storey ensuite side extension, new flat roof configuration over existing accommodation, existing rear conservatory removed and replaced with single storey extension. |
Planning Application No. 2024/0899/FPA - 3 Blencathra Gardens, Kendal, LA9 7HL PDF 521 KB To consider an Application for the erection of a 2.4m rear boundary fence, comprised of concrete posts with concrete lower and timber infill panels. |
Update on Appeal Decisions PDF 89 KB To receive an update on appeal decisions since the last meeting. |
Update on Enforcement To receive an update on Enforcement action since the last meeting.
Please note, this report has been marked as “to follow” and will be send out following the main agenda pack. |
Urgent Items To consider any urgent items of business. |